Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Friday, January 21

The Claw

The sun is shining! It didn’t shine the entire time I was in Nowhere, Texas. It rained for over a week. The ground was soup. So I walked to dance lessons. And I was late, but it was ok because the owner and my instructor were later.

FYI Mud and office chairs are not a good combination. Specially when people put muddy feet on the rollers, then they dry and don’t roll.

Today’s Exploit:

I took two hours of lessons together. In between Shawn had to go have a smoke. Right before he went out he had some sort of weird spasm.

Shawn: I’m going to go outside for a minute, and then we’ll get started again.

Me: Ok.

Shawn: Bent nearly in half, and concentrating very hard on my knee. His hand is making THE CLAW!.

I was a bit unnerved by this spasm I just watched.

Then Veronica came by and gave me the WTF? Look. I shrugged.

Shawn finally straightened up and looked very disappointed.

Shawn: You’re not ticklish?



Me: So that’s what that was. No, I’m not.

Shawn: To Veronica Why are YOU laughing?

Veronica: It was kinda funny, you looked crazy.

Then activity resumed as usual, as far as that goes.

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