Hi. I'm PJ.
At least that's what my sister calls me. One day she just decided that it fit me. She tells me it's short for Pickle Juice. She calls herself Cupcake, so it's obvious she's on the crazy side. But she keeps us entertained. She also writes a blog about her adventures.
My whole family is on the crazy side, my dad and I like to make snow turtles, and be ninjas with them.
This is my mom.
She got to go to Italy. I'm jealous.
I did get to see some of London and some of Brighton, it was pretty. I can't remember who took this picture. I took some bridge pictures, and so did Cupcake...
I'm also an engineer, I love to bake, run, play Ultimate Frisbee, and dance, and I am a basket case. My sister told me so in a card.
Some other random facts:
I want to open a bakery next year (ha. right. It's always next year), please come see me. I'll give more details on my other blog.
Next Halloween I want to be Anxiety Girl, from the NatalieDee comic.
I hate hot weather, that's why I married someone from Texas (and he's just as crazy as the rest of my family).
My dance instructor gave me a lap dance.
I hate sleeping in beds that other people have slept in.
Some other random facts:
I want to open a bakery next year (ha. right. It's always next year), please come see me. I'll give more details on my other blog.
Next Halloween I want to be Anxiety Girl, from the NatalieDee comic.
I hate hot weather, that's why I married someone from Texas (and he's just as crazy as the rest of my family).
My dance instructor gave me a lap dance.
I hate sleeping in beds that other people have slept in.
Cheers from a basket case,