Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Friday, January 14

Noah Likes to Talk

I have been entertaining myself by adding little favicons to all my favorites. I have spent far too much time selecting a suitable picture, cropping it to my liking, and then creating the icons. I should be trying to be productive. On the bright side, my computer is pretty now.

On a side note, I just named my computer Betty Sue. Don’t know why.

Today’s Exploit:


Noah is a kid that is staying in the same trailer that I stay in.

Noah likes to talk, a lot.

Currently I am intimately aware of his feelings for the cold and his monthly cell phone bill, as those are his favorite topics.

My first time meeting Noah was not a normal introduction. He immediately started telling me about his new iPhone and how much he spends on texting, and how long his texts are. It was 17.3 minutes before I was able to get more than half a word in to ask his name.

He also tells me every time he sees me how cold it is outside. My answer is always, “hm.” Sometimes I wonder if he recognizes the fact that I go outside as well. And I have never once agreed with him. Granted it has been pretty cold for Texas, but I still think a sweatshirt and long sleeved shirt are sufficient. And I ditch the sweatshirt when I run. I know he has seen this.

Noah also likes to tell me these things first thing in the morning. It usually takes about an hour before I attempt to talk to anyone, but me not answering and basically ignoring him does not seem to deter his chatter. I’m not sure if he stops even after I have walked outside to go to my box.

Last night I was watching a movie. It was a movie I liked, not one of those blood-and-guts-and-gore and/or horror movies, so I actually wanted to WATCH it. This did not deter Noah either. He talked through the entire movie. I was trying so hard to ignore him that I ended up ignoring the movie as well. I have no idea what happened through 72% of the show.

I need to find some earplugs. If you have some available my address is:

Middle of Nowhere
South Texas, USA

PJ Darling

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