Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Wednesday, June 22

Ha Ha. Tricked You!

The guy:  Outdoor adventure guide.  Travels all over the states for activities similar to a Ropes course.
The line:  I’ve stayed in some pretty amazing places, and I’ve woken up to many views that rival your beauty.

The response:  ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Today’s Exploit:
I was really excited to come to this job because I thought I’d get to be the boss.  Not only work days, but be in charge as well.  I would be working with a contractor.
I was happily setting things up in the trailer when Patrick showed up.  
He’s not a contractor.  He’s just out of Eng-1, the three month class to learn about the basic tools.  
After getting most of our gear set up I finally hooked up the internet and got some emails.  
Turns out I get to work nights.  
Patrick has to break out on this job.  
I’m not sure I’m the best candidate to break him out.  I’ve led three jobs in my time here.  I’ve only worked with someone less qualified than I once before.
Also the rig is broken.  I’m beginning to think it’s me that causes these problems, for reals.

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