Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Monday, April 18

Now Start Over

I just read about lots and lots of bicycles. It’s the "Buyer’s Guide" from Bicycling Magazine. I think I learned an entirely new language. I still only understood about 32% of what I read.

Today’s Exploit:

I finished the first week of my workout. It was really hard. I think my legs are going to fall off.

To keep myself motivated I made a calendar to hang on my wall. It has what workout I’m doing, and on most days I wrote little notes for inspiration and checked off days I’ve finished. This is my first week:

Good job! You made it! Now start over.
Also I’m bargaining with myself: if I make it through another week I’ll let myself get a massage.
Four weeks and I get to go to a fancy restaurant.
I got through the first week of muscle fatigue and not being able to walk, or sit, or lift my arms. Now I get to start all over again with worthless dead muscles. Yay for fitness.

As of right now I walk like I just rode a horse for 12 days and sit like I’m 99 years old. When I climb the ladder into my bunk I’m terrified that one of my calves is going to cramp and I’ll fall and end up rolling on the nasty rig trailer floor. That is very high on my list of most-terrifying-things-that-could-ever-possibly-happen. It’s right up there with swimming with piranhas and falling into a pit with an injured tiger.

Also, every step I take I’m 98.2% certain that my calf will seize up and I’ll be left rolling around on the ground with 12 roughnecks and 7 other people watching. (This prospect, while embarrassing, is not near as scary as the floor of the trailer option.) And I have to pull myself up the stairs because my legs won’t push anymore.

I’m really excited for this morning when I’ll be sent up to the rig floor and back down to the box 48.3 times. If I don’t post tomorrow it’s probably because I got a cramp and fell down the stairs and then got mauled by Red begging for pets.

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