Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Monday, April 4

Charles is the Simon Cowell of My Life

Shawn has decided, being 1 of 3 people I know in Oklahoma, that he is my self-appointed worrier. Lately he’s decided that I have to let him know when I leave town, when I arrive at rigs and when I leave to return home.

My list of people to contact when I take a trip is longer than the number of people I know in this state.

Today’s Exploit:

Charles is an instigator.

Also he has decided that this is an insult – because the phrase “you like to stir things up” worked just fine in the past. Now I’m the bad guy because I had to have a “larger vocabulary” than the people he usually teases.

Last week I made some bread. Then the other day I made cookies.

He and Chris spent the next 27 hours complaining that I had just been broken in as the job was ending. Broken in meaning I talked to them occasionally, teased back, and baked cookies.

They haven’t figured out the mostly the reason I don’t talk to them is that they’re too busy teasing me about being quiet. And when they start in on that I get even more quiet because I know they’re trying to get a rise out of me. And I’m determined to not give them any more reason to tease me.

They come up with enough fodder on their own.

The other day Charles came into the trailer:

Charles: The toolpusher remarked that you’re sure quiet, and spend most of your time in the logging unit.

Me: Oh.

Charles: I told him that you spent all your time there because you though he smelled.

Me: Great. Thanks for that.

Charles: No problem. Glad I could help.

He also keeps a close eye on my extracurricular activities.

Charles: Were you sick this morning?

Me: No, why?

Charles: You didn’t run today.


Charles: How was your run?

Me: Ok.

Charles: How far did you go?

Me: 2 miles.

Charles: Only 2 miles? You’re getting lazy!


Charles: Wow, it sure took you a long time to run those 4 miles today.

Me: That’s because I ran 5.

Charles: It still took you a long time.

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