Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Friday, April 22

Betty-Sue Was Saved By a Banana

I just realized that I only have one day to clean my entire flat. My list of things to do is half a page long. And then I also have to go shopping and get that stuff ready for dinners.

I’m slightly overwhelmed right now.

Today’s Exploit:

I did some yoga today.

Crazy hard yoga that made my arms hurt worse than the pushups and pull-ups.

It was going along nicely, with only a few grumbles about my arms trying to give out because I did so many cycles into upward dog and downward dog. I better have some wicked triceps after this.

Then came the balancing-on-the-hands pose, I think it’s called crane. I had awesome balance on my hands this afternoon.

So I happily went on to the balance-on-your-feet poses.

They didn’t go so well.

I was wobbly

I fell over a few times.

And I got CRANKY!  Woo.  It kinda surprised me.

Usually things like that don’t bother me much.

So I decided to stop early and get a banana to save my sanity. And maybe Betty-Sue’s life.

PS Betty-Sue is my computer. She is obstinate. I yell at her a lot.

1 comment:

  1. Don't stress too much, you will have help when we get there. Your dad can go buy the beer. I love you. :-)


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