Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Saturday, June 12

Story Telling

This morning I met a raccoon. It was standing in the little road I was running on when I came around a corner. I saw a dark grey object and stopped really fast. My first thought was, “Crap, it’s a wild pig. And it’s looking at me.” The second thought I had was, “where’s the nearest tree I can climb?” Little Buddy had run a couple steps past me before she saw it and stopped.

The raccoon took us in, then ran to the nearest tree and started climbing. Little Buddy thought this was a good reaction and raced over to the tree where she bounced and barked until she was sure it wouldn’t come down.

Today’s Exploit:

Last night I spend a lot of time on the rig floor, because my box was very dull and I can do the same job of watching the computer up there. Logan, the driller, and Billy Joe were up there. I pulled up a stool and listened to them swap stories. Those guys were crazy kids. I think they may still be pretty crazy, but I only ever see them working.

First we talked about the flying-stinging-scorpions. That’s what they call the monster flies that chase me every morning. I guess if you take the time to look closer they have a similar stinger. I don’t think I’m ever going to take that time. They’d probably have one act as a distraction while five others went in for the kill.

Billy Joe was telling us about his adventures after breaking his jaw (he was back on his fourwheeler a couple days later doing “water-wheelies”) when he realized that it was the only bone he’d ever broken.

Billy Joe: I ain’t never broken a bone, but my jaw.

Logan: I’ve only broken my shoulder, and my collar bone, and my elbow. And my ankle, three times.

Me: Only?

Them: Haha

Me: I’ve never broken a bone, just my nose, twice.

They then asked me how I’d done that, and looked at me like I was the crazy one when I told them.

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