Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Saturday, June 19

Monster Killer Bugs

The other night I was walking across location when Todd called to me. When I went to se what he wanted he asked if I wanted some watermelon. I said that I would have a piece, so he started getting it out of the bag. I turned away, and when I looked back he’d taken out half of a watermelon to give me.

Me: I don’t need that much!

Todd: Well, just take it and toss what you don’t want.

Me: Ok?

Today’s Exploit:

While riding in the jeep we encountered some of the bugs that chase me as I run. We had the windows down and two of the flies got in. They immediately began buzzing around our heads. Logan grabbed a hat and started swinging it around. I was cowering in the corner trying not to be smacked by the hat while Logan hit every surface he could come into contact with.

They finally flew out and we shut the windows as fast as we could.

Me: They’re monsters, aren’t they?

Logan: Yeah! They’re Killer Monster Bugs!

We drove a little further before we heard the buzzing again.

Logan: The killer monster bugs are back!

He started swing around again until he stunned it. Then he got a flashlight out to find it and squish it.

Every time we stopped or had to roll the windows down to see after that we did it as quick as possible.

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