Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Saturday, September 25


Today a piece of equipment in the well died. Fail. Gone. That piece of equipment was the tool that allows me to do my job. Now I have even less to do. Not that it helps anyone. I still have writer’s block. And I’m being reclusive so I have no one to entertain me. Sorry.

Today’s Exploit:

I don’t like having my picture taken. If I can help it at all I’ll be the person holding the camera. So I have lots of pictures of other people, and scenery and animals. The only way I will give in to being photographed is if my mom threatens me with my life, or my sister gets a hold of a camera.

But then I end up with photos like this:

Or this:

Sometimes she can’t aim so we get this:

But every once in a while she’ll distract me sufficiently that she’ll get one that I look somewhat normal in. At least as normal as I can be when I’m around her:

PS Dad: Today you should make Hamburgers. No link, okay?

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