Mom: Root Beer’s the roost! (we're pretty sure she meant "worst")
Everyone else: HAHAHAHA!
Dad: And Mike’s is Yikes! (my sister and I were drinking Mike’s Hard Lemonade)
Everyone else: HAHA HAHAHAHAH!
Today’s Exploit:
After a large breakfast of Buttermilk Biscuits and excellent cantaloupe my parents and I were stuffed. My dad suggested taking a walk. I thought it was a good idea, but my mom was hesitant. So I told her she should go with us.
She acquiesced. My dad was shocked that she agreed. Usually if she says no, that’s the final answer. I joked that it was peer pressure.
My dad cracked up and started “peering” at my mom, staring with his face contorted into a rather macabre mask. He claims he’ll use this in the future. I fear for my mother.
The next conversation was where we should walk. Should we go to the Greenbelt path? Or up into the mountains at Vedawoo (Ve da-VOO). Then they came up with the idea that we should walk around the university campus looking for cabbages.
They told me that a few weeks ago campus was covered with cabbages. Today we found 7. We walked for ages and ages. And in the process we toured the new IT center, the greenhouse, and the new Anthropology museum.
We also had a pinecone fight and “walked around” meaning my dad walked really fast in circles in front of my mom and I. I tried to get an example of his shenanigans, but he caught on to what I was doing and was uncooperative.
Another adventure was throwing pinecones at the tyrannosaurus rex. The local lore is that it’s good luck if one can get a pinecone in its mouth.
PS Dad: Tonight you should make Macaroni and Cheese
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