Last night I had ice cream and hot cocoa powder for dinner. And a roll.
The roll was homemade, so at least it might almost be somewhat healthy, right?
Today’s Exploit:
Matt has told everyone on the rig that I tried to kill him the other night. I want to take this time to say that I was just running along, minding my own business. He could have stopped at any time he felt like it. Also I asked him if he was sure he wanted to go another two miles. Really, deciding to run 4 miles after six months of nada… I will accept no blame for this.
Running with Matt reminded me of another time I had a running buddy.
It was during my last school. Pretty much every one there knew that I ran every evening. So I would tease them about going with me. They all claimed that they were in shape, or trying to get there. I would tease the ones who claimed they ran a lot about being scared that I’d be faster than them. And I challenged the ones who were trying to get in shape to keep up with me.
Mostly it was all talk, and I never thought I’d be faster than any of them.
Finally one of them decided to give it a shot. He claimed he ran about four miles, regularly. Actually he said 10 kilometers. But I didn’t believe him because he translated that to 4 miles, and everyone knows 10k is about 6 mi. Or everyone SHOULD.
Anyhoo, we decided to go to a park and run. And I convinced some other people to come too, but they decided to play football on the grassy area, instead of heading for the track.
Sergio and I left Alex and David with their football and set off at a moderate pace. I thought it’d be a nice little run at that pace. But after about a mile the pace had slowed considerably. After 2 I was almost walking.
That was when Sergio thought we should turn around. So we did, and I wogged back (that’s half walk, half jog. I read it in a book once).
About half a mile from the car I thought Sergio was going to pass out. He had to stop and hold his side and gasp for a while. He decided he’d walk the rest of the way. After I was sure he wasn’t going to die I ran back to my car, at a normal pace. Then I turned and ran back to Sergio. I did this a few more times, until David and Alex came over and started playing catch.
Gradually this moved to the parking lot, and I sat at my car and watched them pretend to be great athletes.
After that I couldn’t get any of them to run with me again. The closest I got to company was the class soccer match. Nearly everyone played, and those who didn’t refereed.
Then I got hit in the head 2 times. A soccer ball is not soft.
I was thinking about that booking and wogging just 2 days ago. How funny.