Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Monday, March 28

Ooh, Coconut. My Favorite

I tried quail for the first time today. It was pretty good, but it was cooked with Poblano peppers, and onions and bacon, so I’m not sure if I actually tasted the quail or just the peppers.

Today’s Exploit:

A few nights ago Chris and I watched a show that featured a guy climbing a tree to kick down coconuts. Then he smashed it against a rock until the “cork” popped. Then they poured out the milk and began shredding the meat against another rock. Fascinating.

I happened to mention that I didn’t much like coconut, so 3 days later Chris shows up with one.

Charles: Were they on sale or something?

Chris: I saw it next to the pineapple and thought, ‘maybe PJ will want a coconut.’

Charles: Oh, that was nice.

Me: Yeah, thanks. I’ve just been thinking how I wanted a coconut.

Chris: Here you go. (Tries to give me half)

Me: Thanks, but I think I’ll have to pass right now.

Aren’t these guys so nice?

They still regularly call to see if they can get a reaction out of me. And they check that I run every morning. They even watch what I eat to let me know how much I need to run the following morning.

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