Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Wednesday, August 4


The mud engineer commented on my clothing again. He told me that I had many target zones showing again. And that the crew was just back from days off yada yada yada.

1. He doesn’t realize that all he’s doing is making me more uncomfortable around HIM!

2. The roughnecks may look, but at least they don’t make me feel like I’m being ogled. Like the mud engineer does.

3. Roughnecks would look at me if I was wearing a circus tent or a refrigerator box because I am a WOMAN on an OIL RIG.

Today’s Exploit:

Also while I was running I tripped over an armadillo! It jumped out and attacked my feet and I almost died because I almost fell and almost broke my neck. I never knew armadillos attacked, just that they carry leprosy. Oh no! Now I’m going to be a leper, too!

Actually it was about 20 feet away, but it’s the closest I’ve ever been to a live one. Usually when I see them they’re past stiff and on to rotting. Therefore I hold my breath and squint my eyes and run as fast as I can to get away. This was the first time I actually studied one. They’re funky looking creatures.

Pic from here.

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