Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Tuesday, January 5

Test Taking

Today I was sitting in my little box, wishing I could go back to bed and not watch 101011000010101010101... march across the computer screen in a never-ending stream. I finally roused myself enough to take some of the quizzes I need to finish before I "Break Out" and become a Lead Hand and get a Raise. That means that I really don't feel as though I know enough to be out here alone, but they'll send me out anyway.

Today's Exploit:

I was working on a quiz, with my chin on my hand and my elbow on the desk when the Directional Driller (from now on these guys will be DDs because it's so much easier) came in to check on the temperature of the tools. The door is very loud, and not many people come by so I jumped a little.

He chuckled at me and asked if I was sleeping. I said no, I was taking a test.

"Soaking it up?" Huh? I'm not sure what that meant, but he didn't believe me. Evidently I looked like I was soaking up the sunshine, because My chair happened to be in the only sunny patch. (This was not by design, because it is roasting in this box when the sun shines on it.)

He took a couple more steps in to see the computer screen and:

"Oh, you really are taking a test!"

Well, yeah. I did tell you that. I guess he doesn't know me well enough to know how bad I am at lying. As with everything else that makes me the slightest bit uncomfortable, I turn bright red.

At any rate, it is time to end this post, because I need to move away from the sun.

1 comment:

  1. are you a bad liar??
    who knew? you would think your favorite sister in the whole world would know that imporatant bit of info!!!!


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