Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Tuesday, January 26

Dog Food Crisis

This weekend my computer got a virus.  It was one of those nasty things that claims it's a security program, but won't let you close it no matter what you try to do.  Then if you do somehow get it closed, it gives you a warning message every 4.32 seconds. 

I had to take the poor thing into the IT people, because I don't know about these things.  My new friend Jonathan tried to re-format the computer, but evidently the virus was too smart, so he had to reimage the whole computer.  Thankfully I have 2 drives and only 1 was infected.  So my very important pictures and recipe files were saved.  It took all night to do it, though.  I didn't get to make sugar cookies with royal icing last night because the computer was at the hospital.

Today when I went to pick up my computer, I still had to wait while Jonathan put some programs that I need back.  So I wandered around his office for a while, and looked at his Star Trek collection.  He has a lot of models still in the boxes.  He also has some very cute messages from his wife:

If I were a diciduous tree, my leaves would fall for you.

I don't like leafing you in the morning.

And so on, but back to my story.

As I was packing up my new friend Jonathan gave me a new wireless mouse.  Now that I have it at home, it doesn't work.  But that was to be expected, right.  I did learn that my goofy touchpad is not normal, and am going to get it fixed the next time I am in town.

Today's Exploit:

I finally got everything together and headed back to my car.  I walked out the door and was it by a....something....of dog food smell.  You know how the dog/cat food isle in the store smells kinda funky?  Well, imagine that about 465 times worse.  It was the smelliest, squelchiest kind of dog food, too.  I think a few semis delivering the stuff may have exploded mid-transit.  The poor dogs that had to stomach that stuff may go hungry for a few months...or 10 years. 

Also, I have not been able to eat since.  Every time I go into the kitchen I think of that smell, and it's as if I were bathing in the gunk all over again.  Eew.

Picture from Google Images

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