Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Friday, January 22


I was at my dance lesson yesterday.  This is a common rare occurence.  I go as often as I can, but I am out of the town so much I have to cram when I get back.  Of course since I just started last month, and I am gone so much, I don't always remember the steps/leads.  While we were dancing to the rumba, I believe, I had one of these moments.

Today's Exploit:

Shawn, my instructor, was teasing me for missing the lead.  It's a kinda embarrassing one for me, since I would rather underplay my bum, and this focuses on it.  Finally I did it, kinda hop back and pop it out there.

Shawn: Well, that was still spankable...

Me: (Well, shiiit what do you say to that?  So I did what I do best and turned as red as the walls, or as the border for this post.)

Shawn:  YOU MATCH YOUR SHIRT!!!  You're gonna blend into the walls! Hahahahaha!

Both Shawn and Louie have a great time making lewd comments, trying to make me turn red.  This one just happened to work too well, and now every time I see him he says something about it.

I may never live this one down...

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