Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Wednesday, January 27

Ta Da. It Works!

Yesterday I mentioned that my mouse didn't work.  And while I'm delighted that I have it, it doesn't do me much good if it won't connect.  Not that this is a large problem, I just have no background with these types of things.  Therefore if I try to solve the problem myself, I will cause some major problems. 

This is my new mouse.  It is about half the size of my other mouse.  And I like it a lot, now that it works.  I have also noticed that I am in the habit of using the touchpad anyway.  This I will have to break...
Today's Exploit:

I sent a message to my new friend Jonathan telling him that I had a question about the wireless mouse he gave me:

Me: I have a question about the wireless mouse you gave me.  I know you set it up in your office, but it is not working and I am not sure what to do.

I know I specifically said WIRELESS MOUSE because I went back and checked. 

He asked me what wireless I was trying to connect to.  This really confused me, so I said I didn't know.  He then asked me to call him.

He started giving me instructions on how to connect to the wireless.  It was very familiar, because I have done this before.  FOR THE INTERNET.  (P.S. obviously I'm connected to the internet if I can send you IMs.  You know, some of the smartest people can be so dense)

Finally I asked if this was for the mouse. 

Jonathan:  No this is for your wireless internet. 

Me: I don't have wireless internet at home, I was asking about the mouse.

Jonathan:  Oh, we need to communicate better.

Me: Haha (this is when I went back and checked.  It did say I had a question about the wireless MOUSE!!!)

Well, we got that figured out and I love that I don't have to have 6 feet of wire in the way to use a real mouse.  Since my touchpad is stupid and jumps around all the time.  Now, to teach myself to actually use it ad not just waste the batteries.

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