Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Friday, April 23


Yesterday at the safety meeting we got another story.  This one came up because Billy snuck up on Mr. Doyle. 

Mr. Doyle:  It's alright to sneak up on me, Billy, but don't startle me.  Did I tell you about my brother?  He startled me one day.  I swung around and I beat the hell out of him with a possum.  And he didn't have no possum to defend himself with. 


Mr. Doyle:  My dad was trying to hunt, and we were back there fightin', with a possum.

Today's Exploit:

The other night I had to do a Shallow Hole Test.  This is to make sure that the tool responds/demodulates when the mud starts pumping.  This means that it sends a bunc of 1s and 0s to the computer.  So they turned the pumps on for a while and tested the DD's tool.  Then they called me.

Mark:  Was that good for you?

Me:  It just came up, give me five more minutes.

Later Mark came down to the logging unit.

Mark:  Did you hear what I said?

Me:  What?

Mark:  I asked if that was good for you, and you said, "It just came up, give me five minutes".  Mr. Doyle got a kick out of that.

Me:  Huh. 

I'm pretty sure I turned about 14 violent shades of red.

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