Yesterday at the safety meeting we got another story. This one came up because Billy snuck up on Mr. Doyle.
Mr. Doyle: It's alright to sneak up on me, Billy, but don't startle me. Did I tell you about my brother? He startled me one day. I swung around and I beat the hell out of him with a possum. And he didn't have no possum to defend himself with.
Mr. Doyle: My dad was trying to hunt, and we were back there fightin', with a possum.
Today's Exploit:
The other night I had to do a Shallow Hole Test. This is to make sure that the tool responds/demodulates when the mud starts pumping. This means that it sends a bunc of 1s and 0s to the computer. So they turned the pumps on for a while and tested the DD's tool. Then they called me.
Mark: Was that good for you?
Me: It just came up, give me five more minutes.
Later Mark came down to the logging unit.
Mark: Did you hear what I said?
Me: What?
Mark: I asked if that was good for you, and you said, "It just came up, give me five minutes". Mr. Doyle got a kick out of that.
Me: Huh.
I'm pretty sure I turned about 14 violent shades of red.
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