Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Wednesday, April 7

Hats, or Gloves, Off

My sister got a hula hoop for Easter.  And it lights up.  I'm a little bit jealous.  She's also very proud of the fact that she won the Easter egg hunt in 3 minutes.  She claims I always win, but it's not true.

The crazy Irish guy got me an Easter lily and some Easter cakes.  He was very disgusted with the market because they didn't have any cut flowers, just potted ones.  I'm ok with that.  I've been wanting some plants.  And these are pretty and smell excellent.  Now, I just have to keep the DD from taking it to try and kill his cats (apparently it's poisonous for them to "nibble" on the leaves).

I just cut the open flowers and put them in a glass so that the plant will live.

Today's Exploit:

Somehow these funny times always happen at the morning safety meetings.  Guess that tells you a bit about the people I work with?

Mr. Doyle was commenting on how hungry Red was that morning.  (He ate several sausage biscuit sandwich thingies.)  He also noted that Jesse had his daily pop tart.  He then asked what John had for breakfast.

Driller:  John doesn't eat breakfast, he eats my gloves. 

Everyone else: (Head cocked, dumbfounded look, some hysterical giggles.)

We were a bit baffled by this statement.  Eventually everyone laughed about it, though.  And we learned that John goes through gloves at an alarming rate. 

John:  I've used one pair of gloves since we got here (2 weeks ago)

I don't know who to believe. But, at any rate, let the good blog topics keep rolling...

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