Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Thursday, February 11

Too Many

I have had far too many exploits in the last day to come up with a good title for this post.  I am having a hard time deciding if I want to put them all in one post or spread them out.  But if I do that I am sure I'll have an even longer list with these people I'm working with.  So here goes, at least until I get tired or interrupted.

Today's Exploits:


This morning the DD was trying to get the Bluetooth on his phone to work.  He just got a new one because the last one died.  Rather the battery warped and if you pushed on the Mickey sticker there it would turn the phone off. 

He was struggling because the new phone is set up different than the last, and it has a touch screen.  Finally he got it to work and 5 or 6 options came up to connect to. 

His computer
The night DD's computer
My computer
His headset
and some others.

He laughed and told me the phone was pretty smart because it didn't want to connect to the other MWD's computer.  Did I mention that those two don't get along?  They always smile, but they NEVER agree.  I spend a lot of time laughing at them pretending to be civil.


This morning the night MWD came frolicking into the trailer when I was having breakfast and waking up.  This is a person that says he's tired, but you can feel the energy rolling off him.  And he's always bouncy.

Later I was talking to the DD and he told me he was glad the night guys finally went to bed.  And that they were having too much fun laughing and frolicking.  I'm not sure they would appreciate the idea of frolicking, but it's the truth. And I think the Day DD is a bit jealous that they have so much fun. 

Camera Charger:

Last night I talked to my drunken dial buddy, Steve.  He is back out on a rig near me.  I asked about my camera charger, since he's been keeping it safe for me.  He was so kind as to offer to let me drive out to the rig he's on to pick it up.  He even said I could watch TV with him and the other guys.

It was quite sweet, but I think I'd have gotten lynched if I showed up there with no cookies.

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