Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Monday, February 8

SLB Love

The day I got out here was a rough day, to say the least.  I couldn't sleep the night before, until abut 2:30 or so.  I had to leave my flat at 5:00.  I was supposed to be at the rig by 10:00.  It is a 6 hour drive, 7 if you hit traffic in Dallas. 

The crowning jewel of this day was the condition of the trailer when I arrived.  The floor was crusted with gunk.  The bathrooms were brown with gunk I'd rather not think about.  The kitchen was filled with food from 3 jobs ago and mice.  The four of us all pitched in and now it looks semi-serviceable.  Unfortunately, no one has remembered to get mousetraps so far.

Today's Exploit:

The only thing that was missed was the shelf below the coffee table:

Well, I would show you, but Hotmail won't let me view my emails where the picture is.  All I can say is

"Micah's SLB

written in the dust next to a Gatorade bottle half filled with tobacco spit.

PS. SLB=Schlumberger, the company I work for.

PS Again. This is the best Cake Wrecks post EVER!

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