It was 872 degrees, but the thermometers only registered 111. And I had to work outside. And just stepping out the door felt like falling off your deathbed, the top bunk.
Today’s Exploit:
Yesterday I was talking to the DD.
His friend got an ice shaver and makes sno-cones for the roughnecks. Naturally he was really jealous and wanted to get one for himself.
But then he remembered that his neighbors had found a cheap-o ice cream maker, and made some “really good sweet cream ice cream”. One of those that you stick in the freezer overnight, pour in the cream and 20 minutes later you have soft serve.
He asked me if sweet cream was hard to find. And he almost jumped out of his skin when I said normal whipping cream IS sweet cream.
Now he’s looking online and telling his wife to check Sam’s for one of these makers.
He was extra excited when I said I had a bunch of recipes that I want to try.
And he thought he’d be healthy during this well. Wahahaha