Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Friday, March 12


I have been moved off the excellent Nabors 52 rig to the Rowan 62 rig.  I was very sad to go; I had just made friends, and found someone to run with me.  So far this new rig is ok, but just not the same.

I went running today.  This rig is located on a grazing pasture.  At first the cows pretty much ignored me.  But then one was really close to the road, and I scared it.  So of course they all run to the one place in the road where they can block the whole valley.  Lucky for me, a guy came buy in a truck and got them moving again.  Otherwise I would have been stranded!

Today's Exploit:

I was a little excited to come to this rig, because it's the first time I've worked with another girl.  We started with the company about the same time so I knew her a little.  It also means that the bedroom/bathroom will be cleaner. 

I was unpacking my toiletries after digging them out of my car.  (I've noticed that the stuff I bring to the rig grows exponentially as I have to transfer it around.)  I went into the bathroom to put my soap on the counter.  And then I saw IT.  THE SQUISHY TOILET SEAT!!! ACK! 

Who in the world ever had the idea that they needed a SQUISHY toilet seat?  It's probably the grossest thing ever.

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