Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Tuesday, March 30

Picture This

I have been very busy at work the past few days.  Reading and surfing the internet takes a lot of time.  Our tool is finally working properly, so nights aren't quite as stressful.  I don't feel the headache building as I walk over from the trailer anymore. 

Today's Exploit:

I've gone into town 2 times since I got here for my second stint at the Rig of Horrors.  Both times have been quite eventful. Sadly I didn't have my camera with me either trip.

Close your eyes and imagine these scenes:

1. A man in a golf cart driving down a country road.  His cat-dog is in the passenger seat.  He is leading a horse.

2. A cat sitting, guarding a mail box.

3. Some very lovely white irises.

4. A zebra in a pasture with a heard of white deer.

Some of these crack me up. Some baffle me.

I may have to go back to see if I can document any of them.  At least one.  I really hope I see the zebra again, and wasn't just imagining things.

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