Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Friday, July 19

Why Are the Classes So EASY?

It is so dry at this rig that the first turn from the rig has a puddle of dust. When I run I have a hard time finding solid ground to get around it. So every step I take makes a dust cloud worthy of a large explosion, and I have gritty toes for the next 3-5 miles.

Today’s Exploit:

I have been worried about one of my last classes for this Business program since I saw that it was worth 2 more points/credits/whatnot than the other classes. I was afraid it would be harder, take longer, require more effort.

And then it started. I had dreams about forgetting to write an essay for my high school English teacher. It was horrible. He pinched my arm.

I started one paper. It was less than a page. 

The next one was more than a page, but not by much.

The third one was 2 pages, because it used the second one as Part I. 

This class is easier than my introductory class that wanted me to set goals.

How is it worth more than the worthless English and Marketing classes I took?

The hardest part will be compiling 7 or so papers into a PowerPoint presentation.

I hate PowerPoint.

Business Law is definitely more complicated, but not by a lot. 

I suppose I should know by now that the class will not be particularly challenging, I have been doing this for over a year. Yet, somehow, I am always expecting a class more along the lines of those for Engineering. 

I wonder if all Business programs are this soft? 

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