Today’s Exploit:
My family has mutated and grown and shrunk and gone through many transformations this year.
I got Pete for Christmas, and the poor thing still has glitter stuck to him from the store. Then I got Jack from one of the roughnecks. Eventually I was motivated and put Pete and Jack in the new pots I’d gotten a while ago.
Then I got this little guy, from the same roughneck. This little guy doesn’t have a name because it made me mad on the trip home because it bit me when I tried to throw a wrapper in the trash.
So now it lives with H. because Klay really wanted a plant the last time he visited.
Myrtle and Maya have gotten several haircuts because I leave them in the SUPER hot sun for too many days without water.
I was even afraid I’d lost Myrtle for a while. She needs...something. I guess I need to break her into pieces so that I can add some real dirt to the pot, instead of a mess of roots.
And most recently, I have two new additions to my family.
Allie has a baby and Pete has a baby. The babies do not yet have names, because they don’t have their own pots.
Now I just have to figure out how they’ll fit into the crate with 2 new pots.
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