Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Wednesday, July 17

I Saw a Monster

I’ve spent the past few nights having dreams/nightmares about forgetting assignments. They include my high school English teacher, Africa, forgetting homework over the weekend and papers that are supposed to require full reams of paper.  

I don’t know. 

Somehow this pertains to my worry over writing a 500 word paper about a “project”. I was never worried about the 1000 word paper on a subject that is completely new to me.

Today’s Exploit:

I have spent the past few years reading about Chupacabras and thinking that they are some version of the yeti or bigfoot. I don’t know why I thought that. I spend enough time complaining about the heat that I should have realized that a Texas ‘monster’ would not be covered in thick/extra long hair. 

But then I saw a doglike animal on my way to town from one of the rigs. It was extremely skinny, sort of Chihuahua-shaped but closer to 18inches tall, or so. Also, it’s ears were overly large and it’s ribs poked out.

I mentioned this to H. a few days later, because I’d come close to hitting the animal on my trip. The first thing he said was, “A chupacabra!” 

I was completely thrown, I thought it was a dog.

But evidently his version of the monster is a dog with extra long fangs, and mange.

Today I looked up some information on the chupacabra and found that, according to Wikipedia, they should be as big as a small bear, with vaguely alien looking eyes and spikes running down it’s spine. And they should have green lizard skin and three toes on each foot.

Who knows?

I may have seen a mythical monster.

Or I may have seen a sick dog with extra large ears.

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