Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Saturday, April 7

I Am a Student, Again

I have named my phone Indy.  Short for Indestructible.  This phone has lived through 3 years of my clumsiness, without a name no-less.
Today’s Exploit:
I did it.  I really applied to go back to school.  All online this time, too. 
I don’t even know what my first class will be.  The curriculum lists an English class as one of the first ones, but hopefully my previous credits will transfer over and I won’t have to take any more of those classes.  I want to get through these classes as soon as possible!  
That means I’m just a little closer to my bakery goal.  I’ve already reached the monetary goal.  Now I am on my way to the business knowledge goal.  
All I have after that is to find someplace I want to live and work and DO IT!

Friday, April 6

We’re Twins, Three Years Apart

Time to go back to school.  
I’m terrified.  But I’m going to do it.  I’m going to try to get an Associates degree in Business Administration.  
That looks a lot more impressive in writing than it did in my head.
Today’s Exploit:
On the walk back from the Riverwalk with our lovely, GIANT cones of almond gelato, we came across a man taking a smoke break.  He watched us as we walked past, then we heard:
“Twins!  Cool!”
We looked at each other and then heard:
This was about the fifth time someone had asked if we were or assumed we were twins.  
I believe that was about the time Cupcake told me that we were going to start telling people that we are twins because it makes them feel like they’ve seen something special, or some such nonsense.
I think she just likes telling people that we are.  
She has been doing it since I was old enough to buy alcohol.  

Thursday, April 5

The Trials of the Riverwalk

The person that invented the seasonings for the Long Grain and Wild Rice mix was a genius.
Today’s Exploit:
One of our adventures over Spring Break was a trip to San Antonio, or rather, two trips.
The first trip involved searching for running costumes, huge crowds and sore feet.  
The second was because we missed the Alamo’s open hours.  
First trip:  
We walked all around the Rivercenter mall looking for a good had for Cupcake to wear for the race.  And I looked for a St. Patricks day shirt to be my costume.  
When she found her hat we decided to attempt the Riverwalk itself.  We didn’t realize that being Spring Break it would be so completely packed that being knocked into the river was a probability, not just a possibility.  After fighting the people for 30 minutes and failing to find the desired ice cream parlor we gave up, found the Alamo 3 minutes after it closed, got lost, found the mall and got a shirt, and then went home with sore feet.  
Try II:
The next day we tried again.  First on the list:  the Alamo.  We made it with about 2 minutes to spare.  We also spent most of the time walking around the grounds looking at the Live Oak trees.  We’re not sure what the difference between Live Oak and normal Oak is.  Also we saw lots of cabbage and bark-less trees.
First success!
Then we headed back into sure madness, to find that the Riverwalk wasn’t quite so packed.  Hallelujah.  We also managed to find the ice cream shop and an Irish pub that sold Bangers & Mash and Strongbow.  
Complete success!

Wednesday, April 4

And Then We Saw the Crazies...

Evidentially this has been going on for 7 seasons.  I’m not sure if that means years, or bursts of madness, or reasonable weather for outdoor activities. 
Today’s Exploit:
My sister came to see me for a week.  
She wore sun dresses and sandals and complained about being cold.  
I almost smacked her.  It was 70 degrees out.
I also forced her to run with me.  
We ran through the trails by my house and down the road toward town.  And then she had sore feet, but I made her run some more anyway, because I’m ruthless.  
Also I was trying to make her ready for a half-marathon.  
We did have some adventures as well, though.  
Like the day we went and walked around downtown San Marcos.  
We went and got some frozen yogurt with divine blackberries and juicy bubbles that I can’t remember the names of.  And we went walking to see what was to be seen.  
We went to a running store and tried on some feet gloves, and bought some hot pink shoelaces for my neon blue and yellow shoes.  We also saw who was playing at the music hall, but didn’t go to a show.  And we kept walking until we discovered some sort of party under some steel market tents.  
Have you ever heard of Unicycle Football?  
Me either.
But we watched it.  There’s even a website.  And they had a pretty good crowd of hippies, or hipsters.  Whatever they’re called.  
You’d think just riding a unicycle would be enough of a challenge, but some crazy had to go and try to play football on one.  

Tuesday, April 3

The Madness of Running

I’m really regretting that decision to take the bag with the camera cord out of my car.
Today’s Exploit:
I spent the last 2 days reading Born to Run by Christopher McDougall.  It was fascinating.  I couldn’t put it down.  Not only was it an intriguing journey, it was packed with research and facts and runners’ stories.  
After the first day of reading I went out to try to implement El Caballo’s lesson.  Easy, Light, Smooth and Fast.  I focused on easy and light.  
I spent so much concentration on being easy I forgot to check my time until I turned around at 1.4 miles.  It only took me just over 10 minutes.  So I did some calculating on the way back, after a nice chat with the gate guard and a cleaning by the dog, to figure out about how fast I was actually going.  
10.6 minutes/1.4 miles = 7.6 minutes per mile! 
All that calculating slowed me down on the way back and I ended up with a second split of about 12 minutes.  
Even with a 2 minute bread to talk to the gate guard I ran 3 miles in 24 minutes.  
And I did it without even thinking about it.  How is that possible?  I spent so many runs pushing and pushing to reach that time, and I end up doing it when I’m trying to run easy.  
Anyway.  I like this book.  You should read it.  

Monday, April 2

The Results are IN!

I try to be polite and people think I’m laughing at them.  
Today’s Exploit:
So, my failed countdown ended 17 March.  It started out with a song and a bang.  And it kept on singing some maddening 80s songs that faded in and out as the dude with the speakers played leapfrog with us.  At one point it started to fizzle and that last mile seemed endless.  But then the last half mile was an all out sprint for the gates to popsicles and medals.  
I placed 184th with a time of 2:37:07.5.  Cupcake placed 183rd with a time of 2:37:07.4.  
Cupcake didn’t want to finish, but I told her if she didn’t I’d post all of her most hated and nerdy photos for everyone to see.  So she finished.  And we had popsicles and she wore her medal for 3 days straight.  She even slept in it, I think.  
I was going to post some pictures today, but my camera cable is hanging out at home with my newly-set-up sewing machine.  
Some day I will display all of my efforts of Thursday night.  I spent ages on making silly skirts.  Cupcake even wanted to wear hers to work, but I told her it probably wouldn’t wash well.  I also forced her to wear a nerdy hat because I thought it would be super sunny.  
PS.  The kids who cheered for everyone until they were hoarse, and then handed out medals were super-awesome.

Sunday, April 1

On to the End

I have been terrible at posting, and have given much consideration to ending my blog.  I have decided that I enjoy reading and procrastinating far too much.  Therefore this will be my last post.  The end.


Just kidding!  I will go on being terrible at posting, and occasionally have bursts of senseless stories.

Please enjoy your weekend responsibly.

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