Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Monday, December 6


Honey, honey, honey you're the death of me
Won't stop holding my hands down
Baby, baby, baby you'll never let me

You've got a dark heart
You've got a cold kiss

-The Hush Sound

I really like this song. I listen to it incessantly

Today’s Exploit:

Today I had to work. I had to program some tools that I am not very familiar with. And I had to do it using a connection that I have never used before. It was nearly a traumatic experience.

The first one went very smoothly. Plug in, power up, program, done.

The second one was not so simple. First I had to find a ratchet to remove a plug. The shop did not think this was necessary equipment to send with the toolbox. So I ran up and down the stairs 3 times looking for one. Then I needed a screwdriver small enough to remove a snap clip. So I ran up and down the stairs again. Next was another plug with the same ratchet. Then I needed needle-nose pliers for an e-clip, but I was prepared for this one.

But then I encountered a third plug. And I could not, for the life of me, figure out how to remove it. Nothing in my little toolbox had the proper threads or length to fit the plug and still grip it to pull it out. So I ran up and down the stairs a few more (5.8) times. Finally I stumbled across some directions and a screw in the BIG toolbox.

Finally I was to the port, but then I realized that the connection adapter I had did not fit. This meant 3.2 more trips up and down. I finally discovered another box in a corner under some dirty rags. This box is the Holy Grail for this tool. It had all the equipment I needed to begin with, but the guy I work with neglected to mention it’s location. I might have to hide it under some empty boxes for when he has to program tools.

I think I made 86.4 trips up the stairs today. Currently my legs are protesting. I’ll be lucky if I make it back to the trailer without crawling. Anyone have an extra pair of crutches? Or a walker? Or a wheelchair?

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