Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Wednesday, May 21

The Hero of the Rig

I’m definitely getting tired of this rig right now. We need to pick up the pace and get this well finished.

Today’s Exploit:

The other night we started a new run, but the tool that we were removing from the drill-string got stuck. So we had to lay down the whole collar. 

Price, the guy working nights right now, was unable to get it to budge. So he woke me and we measured and calculated and programmed a new tool for a new collar length.

It didn’t fit, so we repeated the process.

It took 2.137 hours.

The next day I tried to get the tool out of the collar, just for giggles.

It worked.

I pulled it so that it was easy to grab, and then went to one of the roughnecks for help carrying it. 

And all was well.

But Price has worked with this rig for many moons and knows everyone out here quite well. So he has a while to live down the fact that he couldn’t get the tool free, but a GIRL was able to with minimal effort.  

I have a feeling that his next few safety meetings will be spent defending himself rather than discussing safety or the plan for the night.

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