I lost my fitbit.
I thought it was gone forever and I gave up on ever winning a prize.
But then it came back today and I was happy.
The end.
Today’s Exploit:
I went for a run the other day. And H. decided to be nice and go with me.
He is a little faster than I am, so I said he could go ahead if he wanted.
Then he said that he would run with me.
And he did for a little.
But then he decided to go on ahead, and didn’t tell me that he decided to do this.
I came to an intersection after he’d left me in the dust. I picked a way and trudged on, yelling for him every few minutes, with no response. And grumbling and worrying that I took the wrong path.
So I went back, and went down the other path for a ways, before deciding that we had missed each other when going back and looking, so I went home to see if he was there.
Turns out he wasn’t, so I went back to the trails and did another loop and went miles and miles up the original trail I chose. I stopped to ask everyone I met if they’d seen him, but no one had.
Finally I gave up and went back down the trail to get some more water. I got back, after about a 9.9889 mile run to find him walking back from the house to find me.
He’d gone all the way to the top of the trail, 9.5 miles round trip, and back. He must have come down while I was doing the other loop. And he waited and waited and waited for me to come back, because he didn’t have a key to go home.
In the future, if he runs with me, I will make sure to specify that going ahead is fine just as long as you make triply sure that I know you are going ahead.