Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Friday, July 6

Myrtle Has a Friend, And a Baby!

Today’s Exploit:
Myrtle has a friend, or step-sister, or something. I was wondering around Home Depot one day, working up the courage to talk to one of the “associates” about getting a washer/dryer. Not a washer and dryer, but a washer in a dryer, or dryer-in-a-washer. Something. 
Anyway, I was wandering through the plant section when I found Alison. Miss Alison (Aly) Aloe shouted at me that she needed to go home with me. And I was so shocked that I acquiesced. So now Myrtle has company.
Also, I took a cutting or two or three from Myrtle a few months ago. Probably March. Anyway, I put them in a glass with some water and promptly went to work. When I got back the cuttings had roots and were looking rather pale. 
I changed the water and put them outside for a while, since I was home to monitor water levels. They perked up and turned green again just in time for me to go back to work. When my parents and Cupcake arrived in May they were stringy and nearly white with lack of sunlight. My dad took care of them and I ignored them for another month or so.
On my last days off I finally opened the potting soil, since I needed to re-pot Ally into a pot that wouldn’t fall over from a nasty look. And I potted the babies and gave Myrtle some more dirt, since I keep dumping hers in the floor of my car on trips. I also planted some seeds in my big pots, but that’s another story
To complete my ramblings: Baby Maya perked up and turned green and sturdy in about 2.6 seconds. She withstands the heat better than Myrtle and doesn’t seem daunted by the wind. Also, she’s safe from the company man, David, because Myrtle offers a larger selection of leaves to eat.

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