Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Monday, June 16

A Water-Fight

This week’s recommended reading:

All Terry Pratchett books are amazing,
but I particularly like the ones about the witches. Book art found here.

Today’s Exploit:

After my big race we left pretty fast, before everyone was back and before awards. So I didn’t get the only award I’ll probably ever get from a race. But I had a water-fight with Eli and Cavan and that was better.

They have some foam water shooter things and a tub to fill them at. So I guarded the tub and they ganged up on me. 

We all raced around the lawn, which is amazing and even I can run around barefoot, and laughed like crazy and screamed when we were shot.  

They also really helped me fight off the post-run stiffness. And forget that my legs were jelly from  running up and down a mountain. (Which I haven’t had the chance to do since the last half-marathon race running up and down the same mountain.) 

We all ended up soaked, which was fine, because they were going boating and I had to take a shower. I had some serious dirt-tan from the dusty trail mixed with sunscreen.

Monday, June 9

I Won, With Help

This week’s recommended reading:

Reading it right now, Cover image found here.

Today’s Exploit:

I had my race this weekend.

At the start everyone is happy and excited.
And magically lined up in order of our race bib numbers (unintended).
And I stole these pictures from Catherine.

I did a half marathon in the mountains in Washington’s wine country. (Not that it makes much difference to me. I like the orchards, but my Mom would love it here.)

It took me years to finish because I was babying my legs to make sure I didn’t get cramps. Last time I ran here I got really bad cramps in my legs about half way through the race and had to hobble the second half of the race and hop across the finish line.

This time I walked up most of the hills and ran the level areas and declines. It was much nicer.

I had amazing views and many nice people and great volunteers at the aid stations and road crossings. 

And when I came to the end, I was getting some cramps and trying to keep my calves loose so they wouldn’t seize up.

Then Eli and Cavan ran up to meet me and told me I was being slow and to pick up the pace.

Eli ran with me for a second, but Cavan ran with me the last few turns into the finish. 

At the very end, with about 30 feet left he told me he was going to race me to the finish. And I tried, I really did, but my legs didn’t want to work for a sprint. 

At the end is more relief than excitement,
but having a finishing buddy helped.

I ended up getting 68/78 overall, and 1/3 in my age division. So that was pretty exciting.
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