Other things. Sorta like posts, but not.

Friday, August 10

Making Rolls and Building Walls

I still hate intervals just as much as I did in high school. Yet I’ve convinced myself that I need to do them once a week. This better pay off in November.

Today’s Exploit:

I got to help with a building project last weekend. 

I went to Kevin’s grandparents house where I was force-fed ridiculous amounts of food and listened to a crazy-overwhelming amount of chatter. Everyone there likes to talk and the babies like to get their opinions in just as much, and there are lots of them. 

Glenda (Gramma) told me she’d teach me how to make “hot rolls”, which I’ve finally discovered are just dinner rolls. And Kevin told me I am required to learn this trick. And Dale (Grampa) made Kevin let me help with the framing for the addition on to their house. So I spent the weekend covered in saw dust, occasionally peeling potatoes, moving 2x4s and holding them steady, and sweating through my cloths just in time to go inside for a break. 

And then they looked at me like I was crazy when I offered to help with the dishes.
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